Monday, September 24, 2007

Last Foot Patrol

Andrew Maher and I spent a week going through the Public Safety gear and program in Pangnirtung. The old gear, including the lovely cherry helmets, were retired...

Andrew hiking into the park for the first time.

Heading up the Weasel River.

Andrew hiking along the Weasel River, under the watchful gaze of Thor.

Looking south, down the Weasel River valley.

The three official languages of Nunavut.

Arctic hare (Okalik) near Summit Lake.

Reflection in Summit Lake.

Heading back south.

Crossing Half-Hour Creek, once it has started to freeze. Do note the difference in water levels here, with the levels that we experienced in mid-August.

An ermine. This guy was extremely hard to photograph, as he was bouncing everywhere, holding still for less than a tenth of a second.

The hiking season really is over once the fiord starts to freeze. The last 4 km of Pangnirtung Fiord now has ice forming up, and in a couple of months, it will all be locked up and good for snowmobiles to travel on.

1 comment:

izman said...

Nice lanscape and photos.